Finale and Bachelorette Reveal (The Bachelor S23E12)

Liz and Ross recap the 2-night Bachelor finale that took us from Algarve to Mallorca, plus the reveal of the new Bachelorette. Then, they take on an r/relationships question about sponsoring an immigrant friend.

We’ll be back May 15th for the new season of the Bachelorette!

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R/Relationships Question of the Week: Friend (29m) asked me (30m) to be his co-sponsor for immigration. How do I say no?

BONUS: Women Tell All (The Bachelor S23E10)

Liz and Ross recap the The Bachelor: Women Tell All special. Then, they look at an r/relationships question about supporting your girlfriend’s dreams.

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Hometownz! with Kat Curtis (The Bachelor S23E8)

Social media star Kat Curtis joins Liz and Ross to recap the exotic hometowns of Colton’s final four. Then, they take on their first in-person relationship question! You’re not going to want to miss this ep!

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Good Morning Vietnam (The Bachelor S23E6)

Bachelor virgin Ben Espiritu joins Liz and Ross to recap another bonerless episode and consider the dwindling people of color on this show. Then, they examine an r/relationships question about face-touching.

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Three Dates in Thailand (The Bachelor S23E5)

Liz and Ross recap the Bachelor’s trip to Khao Lak, Thailand, including first kisses, dramatic exits, and tedious fights. Then, they tackle an r/relationships question about a girlfriend’s ugly tattoo.

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Pirate’s Adventure (The Bachelor S23E3)

Liz and Ross investigate what exactly that pirate date was on this week’s Bachelor ep, flip tires with Terry Crews, then tackle an r/relationships question about a boyfriend with girl friends.

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R/Relationships Question of the Week: Me [28/F] with my BF [32/M] of 6 months, he really likes women

Camp Bachelor (The Bachelor S23E2)

Liz and Ross recap a super Bachelor-y Bachelor ep where Demi and Tracy face off, and Colton gets some unconventional love advice from Megan Mullally, Nick Offerman, and Billy Eichner. Then, they tackle an r/relationships question about a former virgin who thinks he’s missing out.

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